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Episode 1:

Feels like it’s being forced to be over-the-top. Will give it a chance, but most likely not my cup of tea.



Episode 2:

I am conflicted. I am intrigued by why Helckhhates humans, and what are those angels, but… It’s not my style of anime. I was fast-forwarding this episode most of the time. I guess something will be explained in 3rd episode and after that I can drop it 😅



Episode 3:

This is annoying. I do not like the humor style in here (find it more tedious, than funny somehow), but I am intrigued by the plot, even though it can end up as something on par with the humor.



Episode 4:

Episode’s title is spot on - it’s a shock. I definitely liked this episode, and did not have desire to skip stuff, as with previous ones. The darker atmosphere worked really well, and looks like it turned into sudden isekai. I hope the gags will stay as post-credit bonus, but doubt it will happen.



Episode 6:

Isty reminded me of that girl from Ergo Proxy.

If Azudra is stronger than 3 potential demon lords combined (while being injured), why isn’t he a demon lord?



Episode 8:


It is quite obvious, that the witch is Anne from the future, especially considering Piwi tagging along, and witch also having a big Piwi. I also think that the ruins, that they passed were ruins of the empire, and the fog was some sort of time gate or whatever. This could explain why the horse thing turned around, if we assume that the island was part of the Empire, too. You know, like they had a flood alike to the biblical one or something similar.



Episode 24:

I did not like the show from the start. But I read somethings about the source material, that made me curious, and I stuck with it. Episode 4 changed things significantly. Or at least it changed perception of things, which made this show one of the best this year (at least for me).

The goofy start of the show, and the way it changes reminds me of "Madoka Magica" and "Gakkou Gurashi", in a sense, that it subverts expectations. It takes a bit longer than both of those shows, but it still does. If I would watch the 1st 3 episodes today, I would probably still fast-forward a lot of stuff there, because it simply is not that relevant to the main plot.

And the main plot is pretty good. Despite Helck being presented as that cliched "happy-go-lucky strong, but kind-hearted giant", his character turns out to be quite deep. His positive attitude is still the pillar, but you learn that there is much more stuff going on between his ears.

Furthermore, again, despite the "overly powerful" trope, it's not about the fights. In fact, I would say that there is not that much fighting in the show, and when there is fighting, it's not really that impressive. The fights here are used to evolve the bond between Helck and Anne.

The story is practically about that bond, and how Anne's (and my) perception of Helck changes, as she learns more about him. The moment Anne reached the peak of her understanding of Helck in final episode was not abrupt. I mean, it was presented somewhat abruptly, but the show was building towards it for the whole season. In the end - it felt satisfying.

Yes, in a way, one could say that the season ended somewhat childish, almost like a Naruto's arc, it was still a good ending. Considering, that the story has not ended yet: I really hope, that we will get 2nd season.