
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Characters Groups Achievements Timelines Bugs Raw Other

All data below is for .

20 most popular estates among companies

Plot Owned by
Shirogane, plot 60 Show on map 1517
Shirogane, plot 30 Show on map 1482
Shirogane, plot 7 Show on map 1468
Mist, plot 5 Show on map 1432
Shirogane, plot 37 Show on map 1391
Mist, plot 15 Show on map 1382
Mist, plot 2 Show on map 1360
Mist, plot 35 Show on map 1354
Mist, plot 45 Show on map 1324
Shirogane, plot 46 Show on map 1315
Shirogane, plot 16 Show on map 1302
Mist, plot 32 Show on map 1289
The Lavender Beds, plot 6 Show on map 1272
The Lavender Beds, plot 3 Show on map 1245
The Lavender Beds, plot 28 Show on map 1218
The Goblet, plot 30 Show on map 1208
The Lavender Beds, plot 36 Show on map 1208
The Lavender Beds, plot 33 Show on map 1206
The Lavender Beds, plot 58 Show on map 1193
The Goblet, plot 13 Show on map 1178

20 least popular estates among companies

Plot Owned by
The Lavender Beds, plot 44 Show on map 317
Empyreum, plot 39 Show on map 327
Empyreum, plot 45 Show on map 331
The Goblet, plot 46 Show on map 334
Mist, plot 57 Show on map 337
The Goblet, plot 32 Show on map 341
The Goblet, plot 53 Show on map 341
Empyreum, plot 44 Show on map 343
Empyreum, plot 40 Show on map 343
The Goblet, plot 40 Show on map 347
Shirogane, plot 35 Show on map 348
The Lavender Beds, plot 34 Show on map 351
Empyreum, plot 49 Show on map 352
The Lavender Beds, plot 56 Show on map 353
The Lavender Beds, plot 50 Show on map 353
The Goblet, plot 58 Show on map 354
The Goblet, plot 52 Show on map 354
The Lavender Beds, plot 48 Show on map 356
The Goblet, plot 10 Show on map 360
The Goblet, plot 33 Show on map 361

Activity time statistics

Recruiting Always Weekdays Weekends
Yes 1519 4089 120388
No 1085 3365 50091

Class recruitment popularity among companies

Class Searched by, %
Gatherer 39.1993
Crafter 38.9291
DPS 38.3293
Healer 38.3177
Tank 38.1399

Activity type popularity among companies

Activity Participate in, %
Casual 52.0313
Leveling 44.4686
Dungeons 43.6523
Trials 42.4828
Raids 40.6293
Role-playing 24.9952
Guildhests 21.6627
PvP 21.5758
Hardcore 20.7190

Free Companies distribution by residential areas

Residential Area Free Companies
Mist 38380
Shirogane 37600
The Lavender Beds 35899
The Goblet 33832
Empyreum 13075

Free Companies to Grand Companies affiliation

Grand Company Free Companies
Maelstrom 136594
Order of the Twin Adder 112929
Immortal Flames 109781

Grand Companies character distribution

Grand Company Rank Gender Characters
Maelstrom Second Storm Lieutenant 289596
Order of the Twin Adder Second Serpent Lieutenant 289409
Immortal Flames Second Flame Lieutenant 245003
Immortal Flames Second Flame Lieutenant 237809
Maelstrom Second Storm Lieutenant 236764
Order of the Twin Adder Second Serpent Lieutenant 201121
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Private Third Class 182893
Maelstrom Storm Captain 175700
Maelstrom Storm Private Third Class 171188
Immortal Flames Flame Private Third Class 162247
Maelstrom Storm Private Third Class 158573
Immortal Flames Flame Private Third Class 151565
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Captain 141893
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Private Third Class 137892
Immortal Flames Flame Captain 126212
Maelstrom Storm Captain 118066
Immortal Flames Flame Captain 102986
Maelstrom First Storm Lieutenant 96599
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Captain 84420
Order of the Twin Adder First Serpent Lieutenant 78644
Immortal Flames First Flame Lieutenant 71438
Maelstrom First Storm Lieutenant 70306
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Corporal 66877
Immortal Flames Flame Corporal 66207
Immortal Flames First Flame Lieutenant 64666
Maelstrom Storm Corporal 63541
Maelstrom Storm Corporal 63456
Immortal Flames Flame Corporal 56250
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Corporal 54269
Order of the Twin Adder First Serpent Lieutenant 50581
Immortal Flames Chief Flame Sergeant 32113
Order of the Twin Adder Chief Serpent Sergeant 31260
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Private First Class 30061
Immortal Flames Flame Private First Class 30055
Maelstrom Chief Storm Sergeant 29503
Maelstrom Storm Private First Class 28818
Immortal Flames Chief Flame Sergeant 28033
Maelstrom Chief Storm Sergeant 27921
Immortal Flames Flame Private Second Class 27726
Maelstrom Storm Private First Class 27704
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Private Second Class 27540
Immortal Flames Flame Private First Class 26456
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Sergeant First Class 26174
Maelstrom Storm Private Second Class 26090
Maelstrom Storm Sergeant First Class 25343
Maelstrom Storm Private Second Class 25128
Order of the Twin Adder Chief Serpent Sergeant 25029
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Private First Class 24686
Immortal Flames Flame Sergeant First Class 23791
Immortal Flames Flame Private Second Class 23643
Maelstrom Storm Sergeant First Class 23025
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Private Second Class 23018
Immortal Flames Flame Sergeant First Class 22149
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Sergeant First Class 20249
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Sergeant Third Class 13187
Immortal Flames Flame Sergeant Third Class 13169
Maelstrom Storm Sergeant Third Class 12237
Maelstrom Storm Sergeant Third Class 11683
Immortal Flames Flame Sergeant Third Class 11619
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Sergeant Second Class 10573
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Sergeant Third Class 10317
Immortal Flames Flame Sergeant Second Class 10298
Maelstrom Storm Sergeant Second Class 9895
Maelstrom Storm Sergeant Second Class 9196
Immortal Flames Flame Sergeant Second Class 8959
Order of the Twin Adder Serpent Sergeant Second Class 8430

Free Companies distribution by Grand Company and city

City Grand Company Free Companies
Limsa Lominsa Maelstrom 19753
Gridania Order of the Twin Adder 16093
Kugane Maelstrom 15125
Ul'dah Immortal Flames 13851
Gridania Maelstrom 11520
Kugane Order of the Twin Adder 11500
Ul'dah Maelstrom 11426
Kugane Immortal Flames 10975
Limsa Lominsa Order of the Twin Adder 9317
Limsa Lominsa Immortal Flames 9310
Ul'dah Order of the Twin Adder 8555
Gridania Immortal Flames 8286
Ishgard Maelstrom 5368
Ishgard Order of the Twin Adder 3860
Ishgard Immortal Flames 3847

20 most popular crests among Free Companies

Crest Free Companies
Crest used by 31853 Free Companies 31853
Crest used by 28108 Free Companies 28108
Crest used by 26431 Free Companies 26431
Crest used by 1339 Free Companies 1339
Crest used by 385 Free Companies 385
Crest used by 314 Free Companies 314
Crest used by 289 Free Companies 289
Crest used by 208 Free Companies 208
Crest used by 170 Free Companies 170
Crest used by 170 Free Companies 170
Crest used by 168 Free Companies 168
Crest used by 156 Free Companies 156
Crest used by 147 Free Companies 147
Crest used by 145 Free Companies 145
Crest used by 137 Free Companies 137
Crest used by 125 Free Companies 125
Crest used by 121 Free Companies 121
Crest used by 116 Free Companies 116
Crest used by 112 Free Companies 112
Crest used by 112 Free Companies 112

20 most popular crests among PvP Teams

Crest PvP Teams
Crest used by 6589 PvP Teams 6589
Crest used by 12 PvP Teams 12
Crest used by 5 PvP Teams 5
Crest used by 5 PvP Teams 5
Crest used by 5 PvP Teams 5
Crest used by 5 PvP Teams 5
Crest used by 4 PvP Teams 4
Crest used by 4 PvP Teams 4
Crest used by 4 PvP Teams 4
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3
Crest used by 3 PvP Teams 3

Free Companies distribution by server

Server Free Companies
Goblin 6078
Diabolos 5931
Zalera 5809
Siren 5773
Malboro 5759
Balmung 5712
Mateus 5646
Chocobo 5619
Shiva 5582
Exodus 5531
Faerie 5478
Gilgamesh 5466
Coeurl 5425
Brynhildr 5351
Famfrit 5338
Lamia 5301
Adamantoise 5259
Midgardsormr 5214
Phoenix 5202
Leviathan 5201
Sargatanas 5167
Odin 5084
Ragnarok 5069
Jenova 5039
Ultros 5008
Excalibur 4980
Cactuar 4952
Lich 4811
Behemoth 4802
Cerberus 4801
Moogle 4775
Hades 4765
Fenrir 4754
Ixion 4588
Carbuncle 4567
Hyperion 4550
Bahamut 4517
Anima 4505
Zodiark 4486
Alexander 4460
Ultima 4458
Shinryu 4413
Mandragora 4401
Omega 4359
Masamune 4342
Unicorn 4341
Ifrit 4285
Durandal 4284
Tiamat 4235
Ridill 4224
Belias 4188
Pandaemonium 4188
Titan 4187
Valefor 4115
Louisoix 4102
Yojimbo 4086
Zeromus 4035
Garuda 4033
Spriggan 3991
Asura 3961
Twintania 3903
Ramuh 3872
Gungnir 3828
Atomos 3812
Kujata 3737
Aegis 3708
Tonberry 3549
Typhon 3480
Seraph 3310
Halicarnassus 2278
Raiden 2029
Maduin 1963
Marilith 1937
Alpha 1923
Phantom 1878
Sagittarius 1501
Ravana 1270
Sophia 1224
Sephirot 948
Bismarck 671
Zurvan 570
Kraken 430
Rafflesia 274
Golem 231
Cuchulainn 225

PvP Teams distribution by data center

Data center PvP Teams
Aether 1541
Primal 1501
Crystal 1423
Light 1210
Chaos 1193
Elemental 619
Gaia 488
Mana 475
Meteor 406
Materia 101
Dynamis 28

Linkshell distribution by server

Server Linkshell
Balmung 6949
Tonberry 6612
Excalibur 6599
Hyperion 6468
Gilgamesh 6339
Sargatanas 6317
Cactuar 6265
Ragnarok 6245
Leviathan 6205
Faerie 6142
Behemoth 6140
Ultros 6020
Lamia 5995
Midgardsormr 5991
Siren 5966
Mateus 5937
Phoenix 5932
Odin 5923
Exodus 5906
Malboro 5884
Adamantoise 5882
Cerberus 5878
Diabolos 5878
Shiva 5842
Famfrit 5825
Moogle 5823
Coeurl 5761
Gungnir 5742
Jenova 5738
Goblin 5718
Chocobo 5685
Brynhildr 5684
Masamune 5660
Bahamut 5612
Aegis 5582
Lich 5568
Zalera 5565
Carbuncle 5496
Garuda 5479
Zodiark 5470
Tiamat 5409
Fenrir 5402
Mandragora 5396
Durandal 5368
Alexander 5324
Ridill 5303
Kujata 5296
Ifrit 5278
Atomos 5273
Titan 5252
Ultima 5243
Anima 5219
Hades 5218
Ramuh 5218
Ixion 5214
Typhon 5201
Unicorn 5188
Shinryu 5176
Pandaemonium 5084
Valefor 5058
Asura 4985
Yojimbo 4959
Zeromus 4944
Belias 4902
Omega 4796
Louisoix 4549
Twintania 3803
Spriggan 3796
Seraph 1711
Raiden 1236
Phantom 1230
Ravana 1229
Sophia 1199
Alpha 1130
Halicarnassus 1032
Sagittarius 938
Sephirot 923
Marilith 893
Maduin 801
Bismarck 518
Zurvan 336
Kraken 200
Rafflesia 101
Cuchulainn 82
Golem 76

Crossworld Linkshell distribution by data center

Data center Crossworld Linkshell
Aether 6808
Crystal 6330
Primal 5299
Dynamis 2786
Meteor 2398
Mana 1777
Elemental 1539
Gaia 1478
Light 1191
Chaos 1101
Materia 349